Five things to watch after the Bank of Canada's latest rate cut


The decision that practically gripped the nation came down this morning, as Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz decided to cut interest rates once more. The first of his cuts came more abruptly when in January of this year, the BoC shaved 25 basis points off what was thought to be a stable 1 per cent; it was the first rate cut since April, 2009, and was a direct response to the steep drop in oil prices.


Wednesday's rate cut to 0.5 per cent was less of a surprise as the economy has not rebounded as the central bank expected. Now, not only did the BoC cut its rates, but it dramatically lowered its growth projections for the rest of the year.


Below are five things to watch out for after the interest rate cut.


How will the banks react?


The question now is whether the banks will follow suit and cut their own prime rates in response to the rate cut - and by how much. Toronto-Dominion Bank was the...


Getting a dream house is often on everyone’s bucket list. Now that you have decided to buy a house, you need to be really careful so that you get what you really want. Many places may look totally attractive and you may think it’s the one, with a much deeper evaluation you may come to realize certain faults. Here are a few tips to prioritize in your property hunt:

Which part of your dream you can live without?

Nothing is really ever pure perfection, something’s we get others we don’t. The important thing is to prioritize what it is that you want and what is not so essential. Relax this does not mean you have to quit on that one thing; you could do some construction work and fix it into your dream house. A house like this means you go beyond imagination, way and way beyond what your current life can term as normal.

Things that you love

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Every once in a while, maybe once in a year, we feel like running away to escape reality. Vacations mostly involve lying in hotels and skipping from place to place. This however comes with some disadvantages though we get to escape we do get to achieve full relaxation. Hotels involve large bills, from charges per night or just room service orders. Your vacation ends up harming you pockets.

This does not have to be the case you could easily buy a vacation house. If you do not consider buying as an option you could also rent out. Renting gives you the idea that you own a place for while that way you will get settled in quite easily. Buying however, is the best option, it seems as a waste of money, but you need to consider the fact that you could rent it out when you are not using. The house may even end up paying for itself.

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